Author: ourCOG

Inside the Ministry Update December 12, 2012

2012 Israel Tour was one of the best tours yet. Mark your calendars for 2013 Conferences "The Prophetic Future Concealed in Israel's Festivals" book coming soon Tuesday night services at the Extreme are open to all ages Year End Donations must be... »

Brooklyn, New York Is Focus of U.S.-Based Mission Project

Church of God World Missions has chosen Brooklyn, New York as a U.S.-based missions project to bring practical ministry and help to hurting, desperate people. “As pastors and members around the U.S. support this project, we, as the Church of God movement, will make a significant impact on one of the largest urban areas of [...] »

Church Planters Tap Radio Evangelism in Muslim Nations

As Christians are bracing for increasing persecution against them by the majority religions around the world, the door is currently open in the largest Muslim nation of the world: Indonesia. President of HCJB Global Wayne Pederson tells Mission Network... »

Christianity Giving Way to Secularism in England

The number of Christians in England and Wales declined by 13 percent over the past decade, while the non-religious population grew from 15 to 25 percent, the most recent national census has revealed. Christianity remains by far the largest religion in the country, with more than 33 million adherents amongst Britain’s 61 million population, but [...] »