Author: ourCOG

European Charismatic and Pentecostal Leaders Issue Joint Resolution at Empowered21 Europe Summit

Budapest, Hungary– Over 35 leaders of Pentecostal denominations and Charismatic ministries from 16 nations across Europe united together in Budapest, Hungary, November 19-20, 2012, for a special Summit focused on the future of Spirit-empowered Christianity. This historic gathering was a launch point for a pan-European relational network called Empowered21 Europe. The Empowered21 European Cou... »

Together In One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in World Evangelization

Together in One Mission: Pentecostal Cooperation in World Evangelization (Pathway Press 2012). Arto Hamalainen and Grant McClung, Editors. Pathway Press, 1080 Montgomery Avenue, Cleveland, TN 37311, (800) 553 8506 (; www.pathwaybook... »

To Love > To Coexist: A Parable

To Love > To Coexist: A Parable

Long ago, there was a small village crammed right up against a menacing wood on three sides and cliffs high above the ocean on the other. The villagers had no idea why their town existed in such a precarious place, but they accepted it as just the way things had always been. Each year, the [...] »

Becoming Fully Human

Becoming Fully Human

Philippians 1:6. “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” God has started a work in your life, and He will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus. You are becoming fully human as He [...] Related posts:What Will You Be When The Wheel Stops Spinning? Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below I Want To Be L... »