Author: ourCOG

My Two Pet Peeves in Worshp

My Two Pet Peeves in Worship  by Steven FurtickSteven Furtick has two pet peeves: Pastors who don't engage in worship, and worship musicians who don't engage with the Word. I recently tweeted the following about a problem that exists in a lo... »

Ps.42:11NLT Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! #ourCoG

Ps.42:11NLT Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! #ourCoG »

Got to go into the new chapel @ #LeeHomecoming2011 with all the movers and shakers. Glad I used my grandsons college fund to donate. #OurCOG

Got to go into the new chapel @ #LeeHomecoming2011 with all the movers and shakers. Glad I used my grandsons college fund to donate. #OurCOG »

affirming statements

affirming statements

I had a brief but very encouraging conversation today. The person with whom I was speaking said some very kind things. I felt so good walking away from our talk. Don’t you think we should build up each other a little more? So…don’t lie, don’t be inauthentic, and don’t be patronizing. But say something nice [...] »