Author: ourCOG

BC/AD 2011 (Bible Camp/All Denominations) – God’s Favor Realized

BC/AD 2011 (Bible Camp/All Denominations) – God’s Favor Realized

Just like last year, in order not to interfere with church services, the camp began on Sunday afternoon, followed by registration of over 75 young people already active in the ministry. This number does not include the guest who traveled for daily seminars and evening services from the nearby towns and villages. Some even [...] »

check your brakes

check your brakes

You probably think I’m going to give you some safety lecture on making sure you have the ability to stop when necessary. Not so. Yesterday, my nephew Rich and I took a 30 mile bike ride as we are training for the “120 for Orphans”, a fundraiser bike ride for International Orphan Support in October. [...] »

The Federal budget crisis…

Our country is distrubed as we enter the weekend with no progress by our elected representives on the debt limit.  Note: It is a sad day when our representives are at odds over how to handle debt; not surplus.  Let this be a lesson to you to not allow debt to drive your decisions and life. [...] »

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 29/31

Part 1 Reflection Question: What did I do on this day that was of eternal value?  “People are like water: they find their own level.” _John Maxwell   A few days ago I was asked by someone to explain what I meant by today’s reflection question.  This is such an important question that I want [...] »