Author: ourCOG

why we do it

why we do it

These pictures were taken at the Rio Bravo Feeding Center in Guatemala on a recent trip, partially sponsored by International Orphan Support. The volunteers are from the US. The shoes are donated by Genesis Church in Tallahassee, FL. and Pastor Brian Hunter.  The kids were doing without food and shoes until some generous people stepped [...] »

Guest blog: Breaking disillusionment with church culture by Jim and Mims Driscoll

Navigating the modern church culture can be a difficult task.  Years ago as a young couple with a heart for ministry we started out with great hope and vision for all the things God would do in and through  the Church. The high expectations of God doing great things wasn’t a negative character trait  but [...] »

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 28/31

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 28/31

Numbers 16:15 “Then Moses was very angry, and said to the LORD…”       I recently heard of a rather irresponsible husband who was impressed by the fact that despite his sorry ways his wife never seemed to get mad at him. Thinking about this on one of his extremely irresponsible days, he asked his wife [...] »

AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata

AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata »