Author: ourCOG

Lessons and Carols // Winter 2012

Lessons and Carols // Winter 2012

December 11, 2012 in the Lee University Chapel School of Music – Dr. William R. Green, Dean School of Religion – Dr. Terry L. Cross, Dean Lee University Chorale – Dr. William R. Green, conductor Organist – Matthew Krepps Accompanist – Rachel Appleton »

Biola to Launch Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts

Biola University has received a $750,000 grant to establish a new Center for Christianity, Culture and the Arts, a significant initiative that will host events, support artists and seek to promote rich thinking about faith and art. The grant, awarded b... »

DivorceCare Releases New Edition of Divorce Support Group Program for Churches

For nearly 20 years, thousands of churches worldwide have been using the DivorceCare program to help divorced and separated people in their congregation and community find support, hope and healing. The 3rd edition of the 13-week DivorceCare program ha... »

Evangelicals Urge Congress to Extend Wind Tax Credit

Evangelicals from across the country are urging that Congress extend the Renewable Energy Tax Production Credit (aka “Wind Tax Credit”) during the fiscal cliff negotiations. In a press call earlier today, evangelical leaders from the Good Steward Campaign and Evangelical Environmental Network outlined a national grassroots and media campaign to mobilize Christians on this issue. [...] »