Author: ourCOG

Like A Mighty Army #OurCOG

Like A Mighty Army #OurCOG »

Veteran’s Day Show

Veteran’s Day Show

Join us THIS Friday, Nov. 11th for our Annual Veteran’s Day celebration. Invite a Veteran and his/her family to a pot blessing dinner from 5:30-6:30 PM, in the Covenant Cafe.Then join us in the sanctuary at 6:30 pm for music, videos, and interviews ... »


 ”And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” - Matthew 16:18 This week, Lindsey’s great grandfather passed away, so we left Virginia Tuesday to head to Alabama for the funeral. Funeral was beautiful. Showed me that life is [...] »

Why I Pat My Belly

What a beautiful moment.My little girl jumpshappily into my arms -holds me close and whispers in my ear:"Daddy, you're fat!"What do you do in a moment like this?How do you respond?For one, you're a little insecureabout that added weight -but it's not like you can just go cry in a corner.I mean, c'mon man! You're an adultwith a mortgage! Get a hold of yourself, will ya?So you do what any respe... »