Author: ourCOG

New Affirmations

New Affirmations

Introducing, as of November 9, 2011 – Rory Edward Bennett Hello! I pray that this blog entry finds things going well with you.  As for Team Kemp, things have been pretty exciting.  My fourth grandchild has made his entry into the world – Rory Edward Bennett, and he is beautiful and healthy and his mother [...] »

The Greatest Gift You Have

The Greatest Gift You Have

  John 16:13 (ESV) 13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. You are never alone as a Christ follower. [...] Related posts: Don’t Fail To Live The Gospel Below Encouragement To Face Your (Can’t) Moment Your Life Is ... »

A person who influenced my life: Gary R Langley

I knew Pastor (Bishop) Gary R Langley before he was ever a pastor or a bishop. He was my youth leader back in the mid-late 1970s at the West Huntsville Church of God of Prophecy. He was also a drummer, and later pianist....He was a wonderful choir dir... »

Ed Stetzer: The People Have Spoken— What Should Christians Do Now?

Ed Stetzer: The People Have Spoken— What Should Christians Do Now?

The presidential election is over, and I am sure many, like the little girl who cried “no more Bronco Bamma or Mitt Romney,” are breathing a sigh of relief that the season of contention and the barrage of political ads are over for now. Still, we are left to move on as we begin a second term for the 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama, and it is time for us to c... »