Author: ourCOG

Voters evenly divided on most questions

Seven of the eight national polls released since Sunday indicate the race for the White House is in a dead heat, like most have shown for weeks. More importantly, it’s a similar story in the key battleground states that will decide whether President Barack Obama or Republican nominee Mitt Romney will be victorious on Tuesday. According to the final CNN/ORC International poll released before ... »

Barack Or Romney…What Should I Do?

Barack Or Romney…What Should I Do?

  Today we vote. Millions of eager citizens of our great nation will go to the polls and cast their vote for the candidate they most feel will move our country forward in the right direction. I thank God for the right to vote and I believe you should also. As a pastor and leader [...] Related posts: I Want To Be Labeled. Do you? Your Bible Wants To Read You Your Life Is A Letter Of God »

Speaking for God in the Midst of Tragedy

Before I began this post (or rant), I want to say first and foremost that I’m so deeply sorry and grieved for all Hurricane Sandy victims; I am praying for everyone. The pictures of the aftermath are haunting. This particular … Continue reading → »

2012 ELECTION: If it’s close, watch out!

2012 ELECTION: If it’s close, watch out!

Election night could be a long one. Many of the polls continue to show a tight race with the candidates remaining in a dead heat in the swing states. Whoever wins the election, it might not be by much. Close elections have produced challenges for the victor once he starts his term in the White House. If voters don’t provide a clear mandate, presidents often find that they have added challeng... »