Where’s a hymn book when you need it? #ourCOG
Where's a hymn book when you need it? #ourCOG »
Where's a hymn book when you need it? #ourCOG »
(Given to me by Sonja / thank God for a godly wife that speaks into a man’s life): Numbers 22:38 (NKJV) And Balaam said to Balak, “Look, I have come to you! Now, have I any power at all to say anything? The word that God puts in my mouth, that I must speak.” To [...] »
. Just pretty interesting to think that us #ourCOG people take pride in this odd sub-culture. I wouldn't have it any other way! »
We #ourCOG folk really are a peculiar people. We hang out in groups, we don't fit in well with others, any other church is just not the same »