Author: ourCOG

The Most Beautiful Moment

I watch as my wife,after having put up with ourscreaming, hyper,sugar-filled childrensince early in the morningsits down with thembefore bed and reads to them,filling their imaginationswith possibility and wonder.This poem © Kevin Walker. Published October 2012. »

How Obama’s faith has changed

How Obama’s faith has changed

In Obama’s first term, an evolving Christian faith and a more evangelical style Editor’s note: This is the last in a series about the faith lives of the presidential candidates, which includes a profile of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney. By Dan Gilgoff, Religion Editor President Obama’s prayers for a strong first debate may not have been answered, but that doesn’t mean t... »

10,000 Egyptians Gather in Desert to Worship Jesus

10,000 Egyptians Gather in Desert to Worship Jesus

Increased persecution, the election of a Muslim Brotherhood president, the death of the Coptic Orthodox Church pope and thousands fleeing their homeland in fear of an uncertain future.  Followers of Jesus in Egypt have faced major challenges on their journey of faith in 2012. And Egypt is ranked No. 15 on the Open Doors World Watch List of 50 countries which are the worst persecutors of Christians... »

A Message from an Angel in a Whirlwind

A Message from an Angel in a Whirlwind

Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »