Author: ourCOG

Baptisms in the Middle East

MIDDLE EAST—A report from a country not generally friendly toward Christ and His gospel tells of a recent baptismal service, where a young couple took a public stand for their new faith. Their nation does not permit proselytism, e.g., a person being ... »

Octoberfast // Repentance. Start Here.

  It’s Octoberfast. You can find out more about our student ministry’s emphasis via the link.  This month we are going to be moving through the themes of repentance, recovery, renewal, and reaching out. Element Students: Let’s start with repentance.  Let’s clean house as we embark on this journey.  One of the greatest things you can [...] »

Pastors Battle IRS on Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Pastors Battle IRS on Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Shouldn’t our pulpits be free? More than 1,200 pastors in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico think so. Pastors around the country have registered to participate in the fifth annual Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Registered pastors h... »

‘Great Days of Prayer’ WIll Continue Beginning October 7

‘Great Days of Prayer’ WIll Continue Beginning October 7

Church of God General Overseer Mark Williams has announced that he will continue the call to Great Days of Prayer, asking Church of God congregations around the world, to set aside one day, at the beginning of each new quarter, for special prayer and a... »