Author: ourCOG

Lee University To Offer MBA Program

Lee University has unveiled its newest degree program, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), to begin in the fall of 2013. “We designed the curriculum with a focus on experiential learning so that students begin applying theory in the first co... »

Pharmacists’ Victory in Illinois Caps Seven-Year Fight for Conscience Rights

The Illinois Court of Appeals upheld a trial court’s injunction against the State of Illinois on Friday that protects the right of pro-life pharmacy owners to refuse to stock and sell the morning-after pill and similar drugs that interfere with the d... »

Are You Dragging Around a Ball and Chain?

Some people are transformed overnight when they surrender their lives to Jesus. They throw their drugs out the window, apologize to the people they’ve wronged, break off unhealthy relationships and make a 180-degree turnaround. By J. Lee Grady I love... »

Throwing Israel Under the Bus

Throwing Israel Under the Bus

It seems even to a casual observer, that the Middle East nations are on the verge of a tsunami of division, civil strife and Anti-American protests. From the massive protests in Egypt to the deadly attack on the U.S. Embassy, the fire of hatred toward ... »