Author: ourCOG

#ourCOG sounds alittle like heaven RT @dpbearden Do they sing this good in the COG?

#ourCOG sounds alittle like heaven RT @dpbearden Do they sing this good in the COG? »

Why God Speaks in Symbolism

Why God Speaks in Symbolism

Perry Stone teaches from Israel. »

In Closing

Looking up from this bedI whisper softlyTo the surroundingFriends, andFamily, andEcho the words ofThe Savior:“It is finished.”I close my eyes,And with a smile,Drift off into thatEternal sleep,Longing to hear it said:“Well done.”This poem © Kev... »

@dasjr @macpowell WHAT did #OBAMA said that he allowed the Holy Spirit to intercede through him? Did become Pentecostal? FOUND GOD? #ourCOG

@dasjr @macpowell WHAT did #OBAMA said that he allowed the Holy Spirit to intercede through him? Did become Pentecostal? FOUND GOD? #ourCOG »