Author: ourCOG

Pastor Called to Repent of Leading Christians Astray

Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Dallas is called to repent for disobeying Scripture by endorsing Mormon Mitt Romney and to publicly renounce the Mormon cult. “Jesus is the second Person of the Godhead. For Jeffress to lead Christians to Romn... »

8,500 Confess Christ at Palau Tanzania Festival

In the heart of Africa’s “Harbor of Peace,” evangelist Andrew Palau and 700 Tanzanian churches worked to foster unity, love, and humanitarian outreach through the Love Tanzania Festival. The evangelistic event was held Aug. 11-12 at J... »

Film Memorializes Olympian Who Wouldn’t Run on Sunday

At the 2012 Olympics, runners from all over the world gathered to compete in the 400 meter race, one of track’s most exciting events. Eric Eichinger just returned from the London 2012 Olympic games where the British were fondly recalling their la... »

Author Shows What Happens When Hurt People Hurt People

Reality show after reality show allows us to see the shocking moments a person realizes that their trust has been broken or they have been betrayed by someone they considered a friend. At that moment, the person that has been mistreated launches a plan... »