Author: ourCOG

A Poor Excuse

“I never want to see you again!” she screams. From down the hall I hear a thud, and the screaming continues. “Is it like this every night?” my friend asks. “Yes, every night. I don’t understand what makes someone stay…” I pause. “…what makes someone put up with it all.” In my mind I dream of getting u... »

Missio Nexus

Missio Nexus

“Missio Nexus,” a new cooperative missions network, has been launched as the umbrella association for world missions efforts from North America. Until recently, two associations of missions agencies and denominations have operated in the United States and Canada: CrossGlobal Link (formerly IFMA) and The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA). Church of God World Missions is a founding member [...] »

When God Judges the Iniquities of the Fathers

When God Judges the Iniquities of the Fathers

Perry Stone teaches on God’s judgement. »

Like the Walls

I sense anger – burning anger – from down the hall. I’ve been staying in this decaying mess of a hotel for almost three weeks now, and I feel this anger, smoldering, flaming up, slowly consuming the last of the shell of the woman it lives in. Her husband left years ago. Her and the kids. With no job and no money they live here –&... »