Author: ourCOG

12.1 Million Children Reached in 2011 by Child Evangelism Fellowship

Child Evangelism Fellowship, the largest Christian ministry to children in the world, has announced that it has shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with a staggering 12.1 million children around the world in 2011. This is an 11% increase over the 10.9 mi... »

Indonesian Tribe Celebrates 50 Years of Christianity

Fifty years ago, the Sawi people of Papua, Indonesia, were violent headhunters and cannibals, hostile to neighboring tribes and isolated from the outside world. Today, 85 percent of the tribe identifies itself as Christian, according to Pioneers-USA. T... »

Anti-Human Trafficking Ministries Invade London Olympics

The 30th Olympiad is hosting 9 million visitors to London. But beyond all the victories and celebrations, there is a darker side to the Olympics: human trafficking. Greece sent warnings of spikes in human trafficking as a result of its experience hosti... »

#GA2012 in pictures by #ourCOG

#GA2012 in pictures by #ourCOG
