Author: ourCOG

Covenant Values Foundation Helps Six Christian Nonprofits Raise $1.2 Million

Tennessee businessmen Carey V. Brown and Steve Steele, who pledged to help raise and contribute $1 billion “to help the least of these” through their newly-founded Covenant Values Foundation in March, today paid the first major installment ... »

Ohio Station Expands to Five Christian Channels

Trinity Broadcasting Network, the world’s largest religious broadcaster and America’s most watched faith channel, announced that WSFJ-TV, its full-power TV station in Columbus, Ohio, has completed a significant upgrade that includes a new s... »

Daily Audio Bible Offers Hope to Rwanda’s Children

A summer project has united a Nashville community who came together to build a state-of-the-art classroom that is being shipped to Rwanda. In an effort to unite and engage the local community in their hometown of Spring Hill, Tennessee, Daily Audio Bib... »

Merci to a Mercy Mission

When Église Nouvelle Vie (New Life Church) opened its doors in 1993 on the south shore of Montreal, 50 saints called the charismatic church home. Today, it’s become an army of more than 5,000 service-minded believers making a difference in a nation ... »