Author: ourCOG

Big Red Bus Tour Reaches 400 Irish Youth

Schools around Ireland’s midlands welcomed the Big Red Bus last week as the Creative Arts team and a short-term team from Georgia put on puppet shows, crafts, songs and Bible stories. In the afternoons, the team held a kids’ club in Battery Hei... »

Hess Represents Church of God at First-Ever Conference

Larry G. Hess, field director of Europe and the Middle East for the Church of God, represented the Church of God by attending the first ever Reinhard Bonnke School of Evangelism week long meeting, held June 25-June 29 at Bonnke’s “Christ for all Na... »

“It Is A Very Good Paper”

“I send twenty-five cents for The Way,” Agnes Floyd of Michigan wrote to editors A.J. Tomlinson and M.S. Lemons in September 1905. Her letter continued, “It is a very good paper. I like to read such papers and then give them to others, praying th... »

A Missional Meditation upon a Spell Check

My friends and colleagues know that one of my passions is writing. Like any writer seeking for excellence, I use the “spell check” function in my word processing programs – whether I want to or not! Spell check can either bless you or bug you! Mi... »