Author: ourCOG

Prayer: the Key to Pentecostal Revival

Throughout the whole world, those who really love God and His Word are crying out to God for a mighty revival by the Holy Spirit. Every revival in history has been preceded by prayer and fasting, and only stops when the prayer movement ceases. By Denni... »

Historical Society of Church of God Movements Holds Annual Meeting

Cleveland, Tenn.– The Historical Society of the Church of God met on the campus of Lee University on Thursday, May 24 for its 11th annual meeting. This year’s theme was music, with special focus on the development and influence of the Church Hymnal... »

The Greatest of All Time..

In the world of doing things and doing things well, we are generally quick to label someone as the “best ever.” The reason that we are quick to do this is that our memory is either horrible or limited. On the horrible memory front, we tend to remember that which has happened recently.  We forget […] »

Muslim Landlord Evicts Jerusalem Church

Recently in Jerusalem–a city known for extreme conflict between Jews and Muslims–the Christian community is also taking some heat. According to the Voice of the Martyrs USA, Pastor Steven Khoury of Holy Land Missions has received a 30-day e... »