Author: ourCOG

5 ways to channel your stubbornness

5 ways to channel your stubbornness

Stubborn people are a pain. I know: I am one, and I’ve caused myself and many others lots of pain as a result.  In fact, I am more stubborn than you are. Yes I am. Yes I am! While we’ve all seen the negative impact of donkey-like stubbornness, this troublesome characteristic can be molded into [...] »

Seeking The Face Of God For Breakthrough Part 1

Wednesday January 11, 2012  7:00 pm - Pastor Ronnie Reid »

I’m doing a Daniel fast. I’m fasting : 1. Jeff foxworthy 2. Feeling greater then 3. eating Mike and Ikes 4. Book of Jude #ourCOG

I'm doing a Daniel fast. I'm fasting : 1. Jeff foxworthy 2. Feeling greater then 3. eating Mike and Ikes 4. Book of Jude #ourCOG »

My wife was crying her eyes out last night about me not paying attention and Perry Stone was on. #wifeINtheCORNER #ourCOG #COG

My wife was crying her eyes out last night about me not paying attention and Perry Stone was on. #wifeINtheCORNER #ourCOG #COG »