Author: ourCOG

America – The Land of No Restraint!

America – The Land of No Restraint!

If I were to ask you what has made America great, your reply would partially be based from the type of glasses you viewed the nation under when growing up in an America home. To a conservative business family, it is the free enterprise system.  To... »

The Worst Thing about Winter!

The Worst Thing about Winter!

I believe that Perry and I agree that the fall months are our favorite time of the year. One thing that makes them so enjoyable is College Football.  By now most of you know that I am a radical “Roll Tide” Alabama fan, although some of my be... »

Completed the Old Testament Commentary!

Completed the Old Testament Commentary!

During the week of Christmas, we closed our VOE offices for 3 working days to give our wonderful staff time to spend with family or friends.  I enjoyed my brief vacation at home and certainly was thrilled to eat Pam’s cooking and hang out with... »

Inside the Ministry Update January 5, 2012

Check out the 2012 Travel Itinerary 2012 Prophetic Summit in Cleveland April 26-29, 2012 Revised Study of Revelation to be released at the end of January Ground breaking for the Omega Center International planned for Feburary Live Webcast is plan... »