Author: ourCOG

Dressed For Success

There is a childrens story titled "The Emperors New Wardrobe" that tells the story about an emperor who cared only for how he looked. He was a prideful man. One day he decided to walk in a parade to show off a new wardrobe that his tailors told him onl... »

Is prophecy a waste of time? #ourCOG

Is prophecy a waste of time? #ourCOG »

Is prophecy a waste of time?

The Harold Camping fiasco last weekend prompted a merciless round of jokes (not least of all from me–and I have stockpiled new ones for October like the proverbial cans of green beans in my apocalyptic fallout shelter). The word prophecy was of course thrown out a lot this week, both in the sense of what [...] »

Oprah Winfrey’s final show: The live blog – The Marquee Blog – Blogs http… #ourCOG

Oprah Winfrey’s final show: The live blog – The Marquee Blog – Blogs http… #ourCOG »