Author: ourCOG

Thinking Out Loud

It amazes me the reasons people will give for abandoning things... especially their churches. You know, rough spots come. Things get tough for all of us. Things upset us. Things scare us. We did not get our way... and maybe we were treated badly...but ... »

Fear and Isolation

Fear is not something that happens only to the weak. All of us experience fear. In fact, if we are honest most of us know what it is like to go through entire seasons of life driven by fear. On the one hand, we do not want to be overly hard on ourselves for this [...] »

RT @Cog_Swagger: Things I’m learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. Ipad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: Things I'm learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. Ipad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG »

Living Your Life God’s Way
