Author: ourCOG

Devotions from first Staff Meeting of 2012

Character Traits of a Christian Leader Part 1: Integrity  Engineering a Life of Integrity  NOTE: It is possible for someone to be a person of integrity and not be a leader, but it is impossible for a person to be an effective and long-term leader and not be a person of integrity.  NOTE: When I [...] »

Things I’m learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. iPad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG (via @Cog_Swagger)

Things I'm learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. iPad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG (via @Cog_Swagger) »

Things I’m learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. Ipad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG

Things I'm learning @ #passion2012: 1. You version is the new "king James" 2. Ipad is the new felt board #COG #OURCOG »

The inevitable.

I am generally not a fan of any sort of thinking about God that is too deterministic.  I don’t tend to think that God scripts everything in advance and then just leaves us to run through the paces.  It is not just that those systems don’t appeal to me, but that they are deeply at [...] »