Author: ourCOG

@bibliata @Cog_Swagger I don’t know any fat neck preachers! does #ourcog have any?

@bibliata @Cog_Swagger I don't know any fat neck preachers! does #ourcog have any? »

Trash Day

It would be nice if we could choose our garbage day. Obviously this would cause some major problems for the trash collectors, but would be a handy option if it were possible. That’s because some days are definitely better days than others to have assigned as your trash day. And I’ve decided that Monday is [...] »

Winning the Firstborn Battles

Winning the Firstborn Battles

Perry Stone teaches at the Main Event in Hixon, TN. »

@dasjr @revkevinwalker I’m here to tell you we occupied #ourCOG long before #occupy was a movement. Was this #prophetical or WHAT?

@dasjr @BroKEV83 I'm here to tell you we occupied #ourCOG long before #occupy was a movement. Was this #prophetical or WHAT? »