A web presence isn’t just slapping up a website and being done with it—from my new article: http://bit.ly/mSqhX7 #OurCOG
A web presence isn't just slapping up a website and being done with it—from my new article: http://bit.ly/mSqhX7 #OurCOG »
A web presence isn't just slapping up a website and being done with it—from my new article: http://bit.ly/mSqhX7 #OurCOG »
I have kept my InBox with 0 messages for a month now #bibliata #ourCOG »
#ourCOG Im thinking of starting a new ministry to singles… it will be called… http://goo.gl/fb/UWJU7 #ourCOG »
For Pastors/church leaders: to chase or not to chase… http://goo.gl/fb/a8xBp #ourCOG… http://goo.gl/fb/CC32J #ourCOG »