Author: ourCOG

Things I’m learning @ #passion2012: 1. Lot of members the faux hawk tribe are here. 2. Jesus plays for the broncos and his is #15 #ourCOG

Things I'm learning @ #passion2012: 1. Lot of members the faux hawk tribe are here. 2. Jesus plays for the broncos and his is #15 #ourCOG »

Fourth-Sunday Fellowship

Did you happen to notice that January's 4th Sunday Fellowship is on the 5th Sunday [Jan. 29]? That's because the 5th Sunday is the end of the Church Fast. Here's hoping everyone will celebrate Breaking Bread with friends that day! »


What an exciting time it was Sunday morning as folks came forward to receive their BREAKING BREAD 2012 notebooks! »

iPray—21 days of Prayer and Fasting

JOIN US January 9th – 29th as we corporately seek the face of God. »