Author: ourCOG

5 Words I Want to Embody in 2012

5 Words I Want to Embody in 2012

I have my eyes set on a good and challenging 2012.  I have some family, ministry, and personal goals on tap.  Some things that are going down in 2012 are the fruit of a few years being born…wouldn’t be fair to list them as resolutions.  The investment has already been made and they are simply [...] »

The Best is Yet to Come…

Time flies. Every month seems to go faster than the last. I try to occasionally (not often enough) slow down and reflect on what’s gone well and what needs to change for things to go better. It’s been an amazing … Continue reading → »

@BuckMarshall You’re RIGHT. The problem w/the church today is too many people with too many ideas and not too many effective results #ourCOG

@BuckMarshall You're RIGHT. The problem w/the church today is too many people with too many ideas and not too many effective results #ourCOG »

Final Sabbath Reflection of the Year…

Final Sabbath Reflection of the Year…

(Open letter to my children and any others that may desire to read it) My dear and dearly loved Lee/Jennifer and Briana/Jonathan, The year 2011 will always be remembered in my life as the year that I actually began to intentionally obey the fourth commandment.  All my life up until this year I was a [...] »