Author: ourCOG

Remembering Those Loved – Myra Kraft

Remembering Those Loved – Myra Kraft

For the holidays, we always remember those that are special in our lives. Sometimes even acquaintances can impact our dreams in various ways.  For Perry and our son, Jonathan, Myra Kraft always held a special place in the heart of the Stone hous... »

Latin Messianic Prediction Special Message by Jonathan Stone

Latin Messianic Prediction Special Message by Jonathan Stone

Virgil's eclogue:             "Now comes the great new age: from Heaven the young man is sent, he who holds the divine life in himself, who sees God, and is himself seen by God. This young man w... »

our staff having some Christmas fun!

our staff having some Christmas fun!

Cross Community Church »

Always remember that every time you talk should end in a call for salvation, even while applying for a loan. #OurCOG #COG #preachingtips

Always remember that every time you talk should end in a call for salvation, even while applying for a loan. #OurCOG #COG #preachingtips »