6. Only drink: Dr. Pepper, mountain dew, and sweet tea #ourCOG #dowhatisay
6. Only drink: Dr. Pepper, mountain dew, and sweet tea #ourCOG #dowhatisay »
6. Only drink: Dr. Pepper, mountain dew, and sweet tea #ourCOG #dowhatisay »
#TwoThingsThatDontMix** me at any Church that is not #ourCOG. If it once was COG... then it only gives me a head ache. »
I have two very good friends who separately are going through extremely difficult times in their leadership assignments. Because of the significant issues they are both facing, I think they may believe that quitting is an option. What is the most difficult part of leadership for most people? What causes lots of potential leaders to [...] »
We can have lunch for the next evangel release party.#ourCOG »