Author: ourCOG

The Gift is What’s Within

The Gift is What’s Within

I've been fighting a bad cold for a week now and finally decided yesterday that I needed to just "shut down" and get some rest so that I could get over this thing. As a result, I've had time to catch up on a lot of "paperwork" and stuff that needed to ... »

not your usual warm, fuzzy Christmas greeting

not your usual warm, fuzzy Christmas greeting

I don’t want to be a downer – I want Christmas to be the happiest time of year for all of us. But an important part of a genuine celebration of the birth of Jesus is to consider the purpose of His birth. He was born to bring division, He came to redeem humankind. Jesus [...] »

Jim Milligan Photography Ltd


Rory Visits Santa!

Rory Visits Santa!

This is a picture of Rory - grandchild #4 - prepared for his first visit to see Santa :) What makes me even more proud is that this past Sunday was his first visit to church! »