just GOT HOOKED to the internets again #ourCOG #bibliata #jambol
just GOT HOOKED to the internets again #ourCOG #bibliata #jambol »
just GOT HOOKED to the internets again #ourCOG #bibliata #jambol »
We attended the funeral of my husband's niece's husband today. It was a very sad occasion. This man was a great man, a Christian, wonderful husband, father, and grandfather. You never saw him unless you saw that sweet smile and you also got a hug. He h... »
The Lee University School of Music and School of Religion joined together this Christmas season to present a Service of Lessons & Carols on Dec. 15 at 7:00 pm in the Lee University Chapel. The Lee University Chorale were joined by organist Dr. Matthew Krepps, Dr. Terry Cross, students, and members of the School of Religion faculty, to tell the Christmas story in a series of nine lessons taken... »
#MaryDidYouKnow that #MaryDidYouKnow would be a popular song about your BABY and water? That sounds unsafe. #justsaying #ourCOG #COG »