Author: ourCOG

The Barn

The Barn

Standing here,Body frozen in time,The crisp November air chilling my bones,My thoughts tumbling toWarm summersYears ago,When this barn,A dull red, cracks in the walls,Was my castle;This field was my kingdom.I ruled over it all.Another blast of cold air... »

@Cog_Swagger: #MARYdidYOUknow that you got one angel and Joseph had a dream but the shepherds got a host of angels. #seemsfair #COG #ourCOG

@Cog_Swagger: #MARYdidYOUknow that you got one angel and Joseph had a dream but the shepherds got a host of angels. #seemsfair #COG #ourCOG »

#MARYdidYOUknow that you got one angel and Joseph had a dream, but the shepherds got a host of angels. #seemsfair #COG #ourCOG

#MARYdidYOUknow that you got one angel and Joseph had a dream, but the shepherds got a host of angels. #seemsfair #COG #ourCOG »

#MARYdidYOUknow if those wise men from the east were there to celebrate his birth or bribe there way to heaven #justsaying #COG #ourCOG

#MARYdidYOUknow if those wise men from the east were there to celebrate his birth or bribe there way to heaven #justsaying #COG #ourCOG »