Nine ladies on their knees repenting for dancing. #occupyChristmas #takingChristmasback #ourCOG #COG
Nine ladies on their knees repenting for dancing. #occupyChristmas #takingChristmasback #ourCOG #COG »
Nine ladies on their knees repenting for dancing. #occupyChristmas #takingChristmasback #ourCOG #COG »
we WON today #ouRCOG »
I have cop friends who wear bulletproof vests every day. The vests are made from a tough material called Kevlar. Ordinary bullets can’t penetrate Kevlar. They wear these vests because there are some crazy people out there who do not like police officers and would, given the chance, kill them. I have some ministry friends [...] »
@CaseyJCrow: How is Lee ungodly? - when I went there holiness was the most important thing, not theology studies#notabiblenerd #ourCOG #COG »