Author: ourCOG

Leonard Nemoy is not going to any more trek conversations? If he was a #ourCOG minister his career would have just started at 80. Baby!!!!

Leonard Nemoy is not going to any more trek conversations? If he was a #ourCOG minister his career would have just started at 80. Baby!!!! »

Obeying God at Obelya Church of God

Obeying God at Obelya Church of God


Had to fight a kid & an old guy for a seat to hear my grandson #LoranLivingston speak tonight… What happened to #ourCOG family privilege!?

Had to fight a kid & an old guy for a seat to hear my grandson #LoranLivingston speak tonight... What happened to #ourCOG family privilege!? »

RT @Cog_Swagger: Sorry to break it to you non #ourCOG people but… RT @FakePewResearch: 0% of dogs go to Heaven. #DownerStats

RT @Cog_Swagger: Sorry to break it to you non #ourCOG people but... RT @FakePewResearch: 0% of dogs go to Heaven. #DownerStats »