‘Baby Christian’ Russell Brand Now Hawking A ‘Magic Amulet’ To Protect You From WIFI And Other ‘Evil Energies’ For The Low, Low Price Of Only $239.99

Baby ‘Christian’ Russell Brand has appeared in a bizarre advert for a ‘magical amulet’ he claims protects people from WIFI and ‘other evil energies’.

I remember when Justin Beiber “got religion” and there was talk that he was going to forsake the recording business and open up a church. But his faith in Hillsong Church was soon run aground when Hillsong Church imploded for the fraud that it always was. Then there was Kanye West making a profession of becoming ‘born again’, coincidentally at the same time his new album ‘Jesus Is King’ dropped to the tune of $400 million in profits for Ye. He dropped the Christian pretense shortly after.

“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” Acts 20:29 (KJB)

Now we have Russell Brand who famously got baptized, and is now selling ‘magical amulets’ to ward off the effects of WIFI and ‘evil spirits’. Now, from a marketing perspective, this looks like pure gold. This will appeal to the same audience who bought the Joel Osteen Inspiration Cube, the Christalignment Destiny Reading Cards and the Enneagram so loved by the Charismatics. This is nothing but plain old witchcraft, and it’s riddled the last days Laodicean Church. I do not know if people like Justin Beiber, Kanye West, Russell Brand, Joel Osteen and all the others are saved or not, only they know, but I will tell you this. According to my King James Bible, they are not Christians, baby or otherwise.


Russell Brand appears in bizarre video selling ‘magical amulet’ to protect from ‘corrupting’ WIFI

FROM THE INDEPENDENT UK: In the strange TikTok video, the controversial comedian and podcaster urges viewers to buy a £188 charm which he says will prevent wearers being “corrupted” by “lethal signals”. The advert begins with Brand walking out of a wooded area with a yellow suitcase in hand, claiming to have just returned from holiday in “Narnia”.

 “As you know, airports are places full of wifi and all sorts of evil energies. Think of all the phones out there, all of the signals. Corruptible and corrupting. Luckily, I wear this magical amulet from Airestech that keeps me safe from all of the various signals out there,” the recently baptised comic continues.

He then satirically says the charm has “made him stronger” as he demonstrates to the camera the ease in which he lifts the suitcase in his hand.

He goes on: “This stuff is absolutely packed of airestech. I didn’t even bring any socks, or toothbrush or dog meats or anything like that. Just completely full of airestech.”

Ironically, Brand appears to be filming the video using a wifi-operated microphone despite his claims that electric signals are harmful.

He then encourages viewers: “You should get one as well. Particularly if you’re going to an airport any time soon because the bloody things are full of lethal signalls. Airestech. A glorious amulet to protect you from corrupting signals.”

The company who produce the amulet, airestech, market the charm as a “versatile EMF protection solution” that is designed to provide “constant coverage from electromagnetic radiation” using a silicone chip. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post ‘Baby Christian’ Russell Brand Now Hawking A ‘Magic Amulet’ To Protect You From WIFI And Other ‘Evil Energies’ For The Low, Low Price Of Only $239.99 appeared first on Now The End Begins.