Batman in the Bible (sort of)
I remember watching Batman on television as a kid. They would not-so-subtly switch scenes by saying things like “meanwhile in the Batcave…” or “meanwhile at city hall…”. Then they would cut to a scene in another location. We got to pick it up in the middle of the action there, with the understanding that things had been taking place while we were somewhere else.
Sometimes in my life I forget that there are meanwhile scenes playing out away from me. I’m so consumed with my circumstances, my experiences, my thoughts, my worries…that I forget something may be happening in another place that reveals more of the story.
In Genesis 37 Jacob is told that his beloved son Joseph has been killed. He immediately goes into mourning and weeping. Look at the very next verse:
Meanwhile the Midianites had sold him in Egypt to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard.
Genesis 37:36 (ESV)
So Jacob’s crying, and Joseph’s being handed over to Potiphar. In that moment being sold to Potiphar doesn’t seem like a good scenario to play out for Joseph, but because we know the end of the story we see that he had to get to Potiphar in order to get to jail in order to get to Pharoah. So, while Jacob is crying, Joseph’s story is being divinely moved forward.
A few chapters earlier, in Genesis 22, Abraham is carrying Isaac up to the top of a mountain where he will sacrifice him to the Lord.
Preacher’s have stated that somehow Abraham knew God would come through because he told the servants he and the boy would leave and THEY would return. No matter his resolve, the reality was that Abraham had been commanded to kill Isaac, and they are walking up the mountain, preparing the altar, and laying Isaac down as the sacrifice with no understanding of how God would intervene.
If we could interject a little Batman production value into the story it would read something like this:
Meanwhile a ram was walking up the backside of the mountain. He saw something in the thicket and bent down and got his head stuck.
Even writing that makes me laugh, but isn’t that what happened? Abraham had no idea that God was sending provision up another way.
I don’t know what you’re facing today. I don’t know if you are crying like Jacob because of a hurt or pain that you can’t understand the reasons for. I don’t know if God’s asked you to do something you can’t understand. Just know this…
Meanwhile “We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.” Romans 8:28 (AMP)
What might God be working out in the meanwhile of your life?