Beholding Vanity… NKJV Ps 119:37 “Turn away my eyes from…
Beholding Vanity…
NKJV Ps 119:37 “Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things”
Many of us are like the psalmist here, we have made our eyes a door way to the flesh,world and hell.
I thought to myself, how much deception and temptation comes from just looking with our eyes..
Just one look has destroyed great men and women through out history, we may say *”there is nothing there”* yet we have remained ignorant of Satan device through the eyes..
Has this not been the reason why pornography has flourished in our time because it appeals to the eyes.Oh! No wonder the Psalmist cries out to The Lord and he says *”Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things”*
If you truly want to turn your eyes from worthless things, its starts from reordering your priority, a passion for Purity and putting your eyes on The Lord Jesus.
May The Lord hear your cries as he did to his man for Christ Sake. Amen.
#DailyPureGraceDevotional+43* A.S Chima