Best tree topper ever: bloody cross-awesome! Merry Christmas baby Jesus! #ourCOG #COG ourCOG December 20, 2011 4:37 pm #ourCOG 0 Best tree topper ever: bloody cross-awesome! Merry Christmas baby Jesus! #ourCOG #COG Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts THIS SUNDAY: @brianhunter1, @jessesantoyo, and TIME CHANGE!!! via #lifepointe #homestead #ourcog #flkeys RT please! now gives you the original URL of each original post _officially_released 1.23.2011 #ourCOG @dasjr I think it is 10 or 11 4us; should be done a week from Sun. But veggies is LIGHT eating – not really a fast per se… #ourCOG #honestlyhour I have considered attending my boss’ funeral that was at a Church of… #ourCOG