@bibliata does #ourCOG have ministers that preached against sin, and tell it like it is? or do they all tell ear tickling stories? ourCOG November 27, 2011 2:45 pm #ourCOG 0 @bibliata does #ourCOG have ministers that preached against sin, and tell it like it is? or do they all tell ear tickling stories? Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts SPECIAL ALERT – Arrangements for Dr. Oliver McMahan #10ThingsThatAreAttractive she has a bottle of oil in her purse just incase we need to pray for someone, against their will. #ourCOG Washing the dishes and my husband’s silk socks, he likes both hand washed. #ourCOG Thanks to 5 of the teen girls who helped the Girls Club with their fundraiser today! Proud of you! #fb #ncogyouth #ourcog