Bill Gates Has Already Spent Over A Billion Dollars To Control The US Food Supply Chain With Patented Fertilizers, Fake Meat And Massive Farmland Purchases

The new book ‘Controligarchs’ is aimed at “exposing the billionaire class” says Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates’ investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat and U.S. farmland aren’t saving the planet but rather enriching his bank account.

This week a new word was introduced into our lexicon which I think really sums up quite well some of the visible sources of evil vying for complete and total control of our society, that word is ‘Controligarchs‘ describing the would be gods as currently manifested in the bodies of Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Jeffrey Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg. Today we will focus on New World Order poster boy Bill Gates and his current attempt to control the entire food supply chain in the United States.

“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5 (KJB)

Over a century ago, the Controligarchs were people like John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, and combined they had more money personally than the US government. They elected presidents and did as they pleased as they enriched themselves. In our day these type of people are still with us, but with a Luciferian twist. Bill Gates and his buddies want more than just personal wealth, they want to be as gods, controlling what we think, what we do, what we eat and where and how we live. This is the backbone of the United Nations Agenda 2030, a mandate to prepare the whole world for the arrival of the soon-coming Antichrist.

Bill Gates buying up land, threatening small farms under guise of saving planet, author claims

FROM THE NY POST: Author and investigative journalist Seamus Bruner — who led teams whose findings sparked multiple FBI investigations and congressional probes into the Clinton and Biden families — says that his research uncovered Gates’s efforts to buy up American farmland and invest in synthetic dairy and lab-grown meats in the name of preventing climate change. In the process, Bruner says, Gates is doing more to inflate his net worth than eliminate carbon emissions.

“First, it was patented seeds and patented fertilizers, and now they are patenting meat alternatives. Banning cattle would grant effective monopolies to the alternative protein companies and benefit investors such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and even BlackRock. Fake meats are about controlling the food market, not saving the planet,” Bruner said in an interview with Fox News Digital.

Peter Schweizer, author of “Red-Handed,” “Clinton Cash” and “Profiles in Corruption,” wrote the forward to “Controligarchs” in which he said the book “peers into the future and provides a haunting and revelatory exposé of the leftist elite’s playbook for the next five years.”

One chapter of the book focuses on “the war on farmers” and makes the case that tech giants like Gates are monopolizing the nation’s food supply.

“The takeover of the food system, like so many other control schemes in this book, began with the Rockefellers and was advanced by Bill Gates. Like most of their monopolies — from oil to software and eventually biotechnology — the takeover of food is all about controlling the intellectual property of food production through trademarks, copyrights, and patents,” the book states.

Bruner outlines Gates’ connection to “the Green Revolution” – a series of agricultural advances made possible by Rockefeller-funded research and design in the 1940s to help solve the crises of poverty and starvation at the time.

“The Green Revolution was simultaneous proof that problems like poverty and famine could be solved through human innovation and that the solutions, such as genetically modified pesticide-resistant crops, can present new problems like pollution, resource exhaustion and the consolidation of small-scale and family-owned farms into giant corporate-controlled farms,” it reads.

“But rather than take responsibility for the new problems, the Rockefellers took all the credit for the crop abundance while blaming the new problems on the convenient scapegoat of climate change,” Bruner writes.

“Now, the Controligarchs claim they can solve the climate crisis with new patented miracle products that happen to make themselves even richer and, once again, at the expense of small-scale independent farmers,” he adds. READ MORE

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“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

The post Bill Gates Has Already Spent Over A Billion Dollars To Control The US Food Supply Chain With Patented Fertilizers, Fake Meat And Massive Farmland Purchases appeared first on Now The End Begins.