Blessed is the Nation :: By Bill Wilson

Psalm 33:12 says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His inheritance!”

We have seen the corruption, destruction, and evil of those who rule nations and have no relationship with the one true God. We have experienced this firsthand for many years with leaders like Joe Biden and Barack Obama. They say they are with God, but their actions surely demonstrate otherwise.

We have seen drastic changes in government since President Trump took office. One of them is prayer. At Trump’s first cabinet meeting on February 26, he asked Housing and Urban Development Secretary Scott Turner to pray over the gathering. What he said next may shape the future of the world.

President Trump said, “Before we begin the Cabinet, I’d like to have Scott and a couple of people say a few things.” He asked where is Scott, who answered, “I’m right here, sir.” Trump continued, “This is a gentleman who’s going places—the head of HUD…. And you’re going to say grace.” Turner responded, “Yes, sir.” Trump said, “And then we’ll have our meeting, right?” Turner responded, “Yes.” The President said, “Thank you very much.”

Then Turner placed his hand on the President’s chair. Standing behind the President, Turner said, “Thank you, Mr. President. Let’s pray. Turner began, “Father, we thank you for this awesome privilege, Father, to be in your presence.

“God, thank you that you’ve allowed us to see this day.  The Bible says that your mercies are new every morning.  And, Father God, we give you the glory and the honor.  Thank you, God, for President Trump, Father, for appointing us.  Father God, thank you for anointing us to do this job.  Father, we pray you’ll give the president and the vice president wisdom, Father God, as they lead.

“Father, I pray for all of my colleagues that are here around the table and in this room. Lord God, we pray that we would lead with a righteous clarity, Father God, and as we serve the people of this country and every perspective agency, every job that we have, Father, we would humble ourselves before you that we would lead in a manner that you’ve called us to lead and to serve.

“Father, the Bible says that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.  But, Father, we today honor you.  And in your rightful place, Father, thank you for giving us this opportunity to restore faith in this country and be a blessing to the people of America.  And, Lord God, today in our meeting, we pray that you will be glorified in our conversation. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Let us ponder what Scott Turner prayed. IF the Lord heard this prayer, which I know He did, and He grants all that was petitioned, our nation will be healed. And in that healing, our nation will be blessed, as will the nations whom we deal with in righteous clarity, humility, and service.

Going forward, I would encourage everyone who reads this Daily Jot to join Secretary Turner in this prayer. It may, God willing, shape the future of the world.


Posted in The Daily Jot


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