Book Review – The Cause Within You by Matthew Barnett
I just finished The Cause Within You by Pastor Matthew Barnett. It is a great book, especially if you are dreaming or gave up on a dream.
I have a small connection with Matthew, as his father and my Pastor back home both were a part of Victoria Tabernacle in Kansas City, KS where his grandfather pastored for years. Matthew came and spoke to our church before the Dream Center was ever birthed, and I was out of town that week.
Fast forward to 2011…
I was really excited to hear that he would be speaking at All Access 2011 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I must admit that he is one of a few speakers who I had heard of. So It was pretty incredible to read his story fifteen some years later.
Matthew writes with a sense of community, he has a lot of people share their stories, which is incredibly enouraging and makes you feel that you can put your mind to anyhing if you seek God and just serve people.
His story is a unique one, but he continually strives to prove otherwise. He is transparent throughout the book, which I appreciated. He is just himself, nothing more and nothing less. The book really challenged me to leap into a cause.
It reminded me a lot of Robert Schuller in its positive, “you can do it” attitude. It reminded me of many other great books, but it stands alone in the context of today. Matthew (through continued obedience to God) has forever changed the viewpoint of serving people in the United States.
Congratulations to Matthew on a well written book!