Buying Time :: By Dale V. Nobbman

Ever found yourself trying to buy more time?  Most all of us have at one time or another.  After all, who doesn’t ‘want’ or ‘need’ more time?  What would you pay for more time?  What would you give for more time?  Time is the ultimate yet finite human commodity!

Time can be used at any age and during any season—in any time zone.  Use time for work or leisure—and for any duration of time you desire.  You can have a good time or a bad time—try to make up time—go over-time—or take a time-out.  Time is very flexible. You can do things at the same time—for the time being—from time to time—in time—in no time—or time and time again.  Just think—if you buy yourself more time—you can spend more time doing the things you love—and maybe do some extra things you want to do with your time.  Perhaps even save yourself time—or possibly just waste lots of time.

More time will give you extra time to enjoy—and if God grants you more time and a long life —you may be able to someday sit back and watch time go by—before time slips away.  Make the best use of your remaining time going forward—before your time is up!

More time makes a great gift for anyone—no matter what the time.  Use wisely the time God gives you—because there is no time like the current time—and that is why time is called the ‘present’ time—because it is a gift from God.  You can make a gift of time—by sharing more time with family, friends, and neighbors—and spending time with them!

One thing is for sure—there really is a time to every purpose under heaven!  More time is priceless—when you use it to please, honor, and glorify God and His Son, Jesus Christ.  God has numbered our days—we just don’t know how many days we have left—so make the time you have left on earth precious—by sharing the Gospel of Jesus with everyone!

Accept Jesus as the one and only Savior from your sins—and you will enjoy an endless amount of time with Him for all eternity.  Jesus paid the price for you to have abundant life here on earth—and a timeless amount of time to be with Him—forever in Heaven!

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