
Allowing prayer in school

My daughter is an elementary school teacher who opposes reinstating school prayer because she doesn’t want her kids exposed to prayers to false gods/deities. That and she doesn’t want to have to explain to 22 kids why Susie prays to Jesus while Mikey p... »

How do you feel about a Sikh prayer being included at the Republican National Convention?

How do you feel about a Sikh prayer being included at the Republican National Convention?

Harmeet Dhillon offers 'Ardas' at Republican National Convention in presence of Donald Trump I was not familiar with the Ardas before seeing this. Wikipedia has a short entry about it. I also found this English translation. submitted by /u/ViewFromThePew78 [link] [comments] »

Your church growth

I'm curious about how much your local church is growing. Are you seeing frequent visitors? What % stay to become members? Are you baptizing them? Are you seeing few if any visitors? If you are seeing any growth at all, are they transfers from another congregation? In the small CoG congregation I attend, we have seen a drastic reduction in the number of attendees over the past two years. A lot of t... »

Your church growth

I'm curious about how much your local church is growing. Are you seeing frequent visitors? What % stay to become members? Are you baptizing them? Are you seeing few if any visitors? If you are seeing any growth at all, are they transfers from another congregation? In the small CoG congregation I attend, we have seen a drastic reduction in the number of attendees over the past two years. A lot of t... »