
Tim Hill’s final article as G.O. of the CoG

I thought this was an insightful article where the GO mentions the times of exuberant worship and also the challenges that come with leadership. Thoughts? »

What happened?

There were two posts, one about something the GO said in a camp meeting about Job's wife, and the other about the upcoming GA and how the CoG is becoming like the UMC. Why did y'all take them down? submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »

Hypothetical question: If you were in jail for your faith, and your friend could sneak you the Bible, but could only sneak you one book, which book would you ask for and why?

I hope that this never happens to anyone, but we can't deny the possibility. Christians in other places in the world face this reality all the time. For me, I would pick the Gospel of John. It covers the deity of Christ deeper than the other gospels, explains the way of salvation, and covers all the major events of Jesus' life. It covers the beginning and why Jesus is important. Lots of good doctr... »

Have any of you been watching The Chosen TV series? What are your thoughts?

I've seen pretty mixed but opinionated reviews about this series. Some Christians seem to really think it's great TV, while others feel it takes too many creative liberties or injects Mormon theology. I haven't seen any of it. If you've seen it, what do you think? submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »