
Have any of you been watching The Chosen TV series? What are your thoughts?

I've seen pretty mixed but opinionated reviews about this series. Some Christians seem to really think it's great TV, while others feel it takes too many creative liberties or injects Mormon theology. I haven't seen any of it. If you've seen it, what do you think? submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »

What should happen with Lee University?

The COG should sell it and build a Bible College with some of the proceeds. submitted by /u/BlueJasper27 [link] [comments] »

Have you ever sat through a sermon and asked yourself….

…what am I doing here? It happened to me yesterday when what was supposed to be a Father’s Day message turned into a political rant about abortion, the alphabet groups, and how we need to be thinking now about the upcoming presidential election and get... »

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures. submitted by /u/Warbird979 [link] [comments] »