
Telling the truth or an Ambush?

From the pulpit, the truth at a 4 Sq Memorial Service, Belmont, NC. 1985 :"The death of Tommy is sad, but the truth is he was a drunk, some of you know that better than I do, because you were drunk most of the time along side him?" From a Mis... »

Pastor’s-please use caution!

I was watching an online service of a COG recently when the Pastor was mentioning people that needed prayer. I was stunned to hear him go into great detail about the medical needs of the people he was speaking of! He explained their diagnosis and treat... »

How much exercise do you get? How about your diet?

We all know we should take better care of ourselves, especially as we get a few years on our bodies. In light of that, do you exercise regularly? If so, what kind of exercise? How about your diet? I walk 3-3.5 miles each morning. Occasionally I break o... »

Pentecostal Theological Seminary

Friends, I have been thinking of returning to school to get a master's degree and even possibly a doctorate at some point. I like structured learning. Has anyone attended or is attending our own Pentecostal Theological Seminary? Did you like it? Was it expensive? Did you grow spiritually? Looking to get what your experience you have with the program. If you have not attended, do you know someone ... »