How Often Do Americans Attend Church?
submitted by /u/ThatOldSourPuss [link] [comments] »
submitted by /u/ThatOldSourPuss [link] [comments] »
submitted by /u/shaunbwilson [link] [comments] »
I do believe in the apostles and the prophets of the five-fold ministry, but the way the New Apostolic Reformation presents apostles and prophets puts a check in my spirit. Is this a cult? Follow-up question: Is the Seven Mountain Mandate biblically de... »
If you're using the old Reddit style, you might be interested in the Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES) plug-in. It adds several features to Reddit that I find useful, including a bar with shortcuts to format your post like this. It also shows a preview window like this so you know what your formatting will look like before you post. You will also be able to explode a picture from a link using an icon... »