
Meme Mega thread! Drop your Church of God memes here

TBBB submitted by /u/BishopClevelandMeme [link] [comments] »

Dr. Oliver McMahan (1954-2024)

On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at the age of 69, Oliver “Dr. Mac” Lewis McMahan died peacefully at his home in Cleveland, Tennessee. Oliver was... »

A guy might get desperate to get on the committee if he needs to pardon himself…

submitted by /u/justTheNewsPleaze [link] [comments] »

navigation here

I think this is gonna work well once I get the idea set of how to navigate. At times I get where I want to be, but cannot remember how I did it. Once I comment or post, how do I get back to the basic front page where I can go to another post or commen... »